Work on free flowing tolling system to get underway at Humber Bridge

Work on free flowing tolling system to get underway at Humber Bridge

WORK to install a state-of-the-art free flow tolling system at the Humber Bridge is set to get underway later this month, with the project due to go live in autumn. 

Phase one of the civil engineering and highway works, which includes the construction of a new tolling gantry spanning all lanes on the bridge, will start on March 17 and last for 10 weeks.

The work will be followed by extensive testing of the new system throughout the summer before official launch in autumn, after which, attention will turn to the removal of the remaining toll booth infrastructure

The works are set to last around 30 weeks in total, and cones will be in place on the bridge from mid-March until the work is completed in autumn or early winter.

However, to ensure traffic disruption is kept to a minimum, the majority of work will be carried out at night and no daytime lane closures are expected as a result of installing the new tolling system.

Andrew Arundel, Chief Executive Officer at the Humber Bridge, said the start of the work marked an exciting countdown to fully automated tolling.

Mr Arundel said: “We’re delighted to announce the start of works on the new, automated tolling system, which will significantly enhance user experience at the Humber Bridge. 

“By completely overhauling the payment process, crossing the bridge will be easier and payment will be much more convenient.

“We’re determined to ensure that while the works are ongoing, bridge users will not be inconvenienced. Whereas some traffic management measures will be in place throughout the duration of the works, these are likely to include narrowing the lanes rather than closing them, to ensure traffic can keep moving.”

Mr Arundel added the multi-million pound scheme will utilise key technologies including artificial intelligence and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) to monitor traffic crossing the bridge. 

It will also increase the requirement for back-office staff, meaning operatives currently working in the toll booths will be offered the opportunity to apply for new roles within the organisation. 

As well as improving crossing at the bridge, customers will enjoy improved payment options via a new website or mobile app.

Those wishing to pay with cash will be able to do so via Paypoint at key locations across the region.

Mr Arundel added: “The project will make all aspects of using the Humber Bridge easier and more efficient, from not having to stop at a toll booth to paying for your crossing.

“Once it goes live, we feel bridge users will really appreciate the improvements it brings.” 

The work is being carried out by McCann Ltd on behalf of main contractor Neology.